
Can you imagine a time where women live in a world of fashion devoid of stockings, tights, or pantyhose. Granted this wasn't always issue, but there was a time when the tights and stockings were far from the comfortable, form fitting, versatile ones we can go out and buy today. Stockings have endured a long and strange life that began over 400 years ago in Europe. Here are some interesting and fun facts about stockings that you may not know....
From back pain to heartburn to insomnia, the physical discomforts associated with pregnancy plague many expectant women. Because pregnant women experience increased blood volume and weight gain, they're prone to developing varicose and spider veins. Fortunately, there's a simple, inexpensive, easy solution to pregnancy varicose veins: Maternity stockings. What are they? This type of supportive legwear squeezes the leg veins and helps blood flow more easily in the lower extremities. As a result, pregnant women are less likely to develop...
The idea of fashion has been around for a very long time. It has a lot of power over what choices women make when it comes to clothing and accessories because it dictates what the trends are and people follow them. Fashion has a lot of creative and courage. She often pairs trends from the past with the newest ideas in fashion and makes predictions for the future trends as well. Sometimes fashion decides that a trend from the past...